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蒂凡尼的早餐 TXT中文版

百度一下( /jm1uDm 追问:

蒂凡尼的早餐 经典台词
 -I am in love with you.
-So what?
-So what? So plenty! I love you.You belong to me.
-No,PEople don't belong to people.
-Of course they do.
-Nobody can PUt me in a cage
-I don't want to put you in a cage. I want to love you.
-The same thing
-No ,it's not,Holly...
-I'm not Holly.I'm not Lunemy either.I don't know who I am.
I and the cat,we are couples of no names
We belong to nobody and nobody belongs to us.We don't even belong to each other.
-Do you know what's wrong with you, Miss "who ever you are"?
You are chicken you've got no gut
You are fired of taking your life as a fact
People do fall in love. People do belong to each other.
Because that's the only chance anybody gets real haPPieness
You call yourself a free spirit, a wild thing and terrified of somebody's going to trip you in a cage.
Oh baby, you are already in that cage; you built it yourself. It's not bount wherver you go.
Because wherver you run, you just stand runing up yourself.


半个世纪前的电影 谁知道啊 评论

——I am in love with you。

——So what?

——So what? So plenty! I love you.You belong to me。

——No,people don't belong to people。

——Of course they do。

——Nobody can put me in a cage。

——I don't want to put you in a cage. I want to love you。

——The same thing。

——No,it's not,Holly...

——I'm not Holly。I'm not Lunemy either。I don't know who I am。 I and the cat,we are couples of no names。 We belong to nobody and nobody belongs to us。 We don't even belong to each other。

——Do you know what's wrong with you, Miss "who ever you are"?
You are chicken you've got no got。
You are fired of taking your life as a fact。
People do fall in love。People do belong to each other。
Because that's the only chance anybody gets real happieness。
You call yourself a free spirit, a wild thing and terrified of somebody's going to trip you in a cage。
Oh baby, you are already in that cage; you built it yourself.。It's not bount wherver you go。
Because wherver you run, you just stand runing up yourself 追问:

这时bt下载的 要是迅雷的好像没有呀~~ 直接点种子 http:///torrent/sogua/1191133.torrent 原著我没有找到看看电影和简介吧 清晨时分,纽约第五大街上空无一人,穿着黑色晚礼服,颈上挂着假珠宝项链,打扮入时的霍莉·戈莱特丽独自伫立在蒂梵尼珠宝店前,脸颊紧贴着橱,手中拎着一个皮纸袋,边吃着袋里可颂面包、喝着热咖啡,边以艳羡的目光,观望着蒂梵尼店中的一切……然而,霍莉心中真正想吃的,不是什么早餐,而是晋身蒂梵尼所影射的上流社会。霍莉这位外貌清秀俏丽的年轻女子,为了金钱,也为了完成她十四岁以来的梦想——和最爱的哥哥佛雷德一起到墨西哥牧。她整日追逐名利,周旋在众多英俊的富豪巨子、政界名流之间,成了红牌交际花。为了赚取一小时五十美元的交际费,她甚至不惜到监狱与黑手党老大“社交”,直到某日楼下搬来一位言谈举止温文儒雅的男士。他本名为保罗·瓦杰克,梦想有朝一日成为大作家,却仰赖有钱女人的“馈赠”维生。 两人同是拜金主义者,有趣的是,随着两人之间逐步的交往,彼此的距离就拉进了一点,而内心世界也多解放了一些,慢慢地,两个人萌生了一段相知相惜的情愫……坠入爱河的保罗·瓦杰克,洗心革面,不再做午夜牛郎,并向霍莉表露了爱意,霍莉却宣布巴西富豪追求她的消息。不久,霍莉邀请保罗共进早餐,并亲自下厨。从未做过料理的霍莉,边听着葡萄牙语,边在脸盆大的沙拉中,堆放了满满的莴苣,随兴地淋上橄榄油与红,接着,颇有韵律感地拌匀三者。 保罗向霍莉求婚,霍莉却顾左右而言他,自冰箱取出一瓶红酒,说她将和巴西人贺西结婚,虽然事实上,贺西尚未向她求婚。保罗再度向她求婚,她又说她准备了“墨雷”调味的鸡肉沙拉。压力锅这时扑扑作响,等到霍莉趋身向前想熄火时,只听到一声爆炸声,与汤汁飞溅四处,霍莉情急之下紧抱保罗。即将远走巴西的霍莉,着手开始学习葡萄牙文,另一方面学习做拉丁美洲的菜肴。这道失败的“墨雷辣酱鸡肉沙拉”,似乎预言了她的美梦——建造一座巴西农场,当有钱的巴西家庭主妇——终将如泡沫般瞬间幻灭。然而,这顿高潮迭起的早餐,最终如何收场? 保罗·瓦杰克绝望之际,却有了意想不到的转机,使得两人之间的恋情因祸得福。警方以涉嫌贩毒之名逮捕了霍莉。最后,霍莉戴着保罗送给她刻着蒂梵尼字样的戒指,怀抱着失而复得的小——或是她失去的浪漫天真,与保罗相拥于倾盆大雨中。毕竟!世间还有什么比和相爱的人,相拥一起吃顿“爱情早餐”,来得更甜蜜幸福的奢侈呢? 你问的结局 电影中他们在一起了 貌似小说中没有呵~~ 评论

关键词: 早餐 电影
